Come here looking for the top interior design trends? 2018 has a lot to offer and now is the perfect time to mix things up with your decor and create an exciting new space in your home - one that will motivate and inspire you throughout the year. You can do this by adjusting big elements in your interiors such as furniture, or simply by changing smaller details like wall hangings and decorative pieces. Luckily, you won’t be short of inspiration here. We’ve got a list of interior design trends in 2018 that will help you experiment and create the perfect space:


  • Textures


In 2018, textures will be trending towards the modern luxe. Think leather and velvet, with quilted headboards and ornate furniture. The great part about these textures is that they will be statement pieces on their own. What’s more, they’ll ooze opulence and sophistication.


  • Patterns


An interior design trend 2018 is sure to see will be patterns. From marbled wallpaper to eye-popping striped carpets or even terazzo tiles, unique patterns are a sure-fire way to add vibrancy and flair to almost any room. Think about your chosen pattern as the centrepiece, the focal point to a given space and then you can establish some smaller, decorative pieces to complement it.


  • Earthy palettes


Sage is set to be the new neutral as earthy palettes grow in popularity in 2018. These tones move away from the Scandi white minimalism to create a calming and warm space. These colours can be paired nicely with woods and creams, but also effectively complement a bright pop of colour like mustard yellow or a striking royal blue.


  • Metallics


The reign of metallic features is still in full effect but in 2018, instead of rose and yellow gold, we will likely be seeing more subtle, low-shine shades such as brass and nickel. These will still add sleek structure to a space but will give a different overall effect.


  • Dark Woods


It seems like the Scandi trend of light and washed woods will be diminished as dark furniture takes centre stage as an interior design trend for 2018. Rich, dark woods like mahogany and walnut will add warmth and a certain richness to a space. This adds to an aesthetic of modern glamour and creates an inviting atmosphere.

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